"Bandhana" refers to a state of being tied up in shackles, incarcerated due to no crime/crime committed, or isolated with no hopes for revival. A native with this yoga usually ends up being imprisoned, or he may spend part of/an entire lifetime in isolation. For the Bandhana yoga to be operational, the lord of Lagna, moon and badly afflicted benefic planets should be in malefic houses such as the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th house, andalsothe malefics planets like sun mars and Saturn should be powerfully placed in Kendra or trikonasthanas. Bandhana yoga/jail yoga in short, is a combination of all malefics in powerful positions and weak benefics overshadowed by malefics. It deprives the native of all creature comforts and all pleasures.

Let us examine the Bandhan yoga and its potency.
Which planets indicate Bandhana yoga in Vedic astrology?
Regarding the above context, Horoscope is studied for its astrological nitty-gritty and about planets that combine in specific ways to form bandhana yoga. Certain planets indicate Bandhan yoga in Vedic astrology. With malefics placed in the second, fifth, or ninth or twelfth houses, a native ends up in police custody and imprisonment. These effects get heightened if Saturn is also afflicted alongside.
1. The rebellious influence of Rahu can be seen in the natives with a strong Rahu influence. They tend to question the authorities and subsequently get into their bad books. They could also be victims of false allegations.
2. Saturn is the governor of Karma in a horoscope. From the astrological point of view, the judges our deeds impartially to dole out life lessons. Sade Sati is a dreaded phase that all of us know of, and we shudder at the thought of its onset. When the mahadasha, antardasha, bhukti, and finally the sade sati period of Saturn arrives, it brings our baggage of previous births that we need to unburden in this lifetime. If we have an immense carryover of Punya from the past lifetime, Shani becomes a natural benefactor and lets us enjoy the rewards. Some of us, born to address our prarabha karma in this birth, may get behind bars.
3. Mars is a fiery planet that wields its aggressive influence on the native. Martians are usually violent in their expressions, which may propel them to acts of crime provided they have the jail yoga.
Saturn Rahu and Mars in mutual conjunction or close association increases the likelihood of imprisonment.
How can we check if there is Bandhana yoga in Kundli?
Specific malefic planets like Rahu, Saturn, and Mars trigger the possibilities for imprisonment. We can check if there is Bandhana yoga in Kundli in many ways.
1. When the planets are present in second and twelfth, third and eleventh, fourth and tenth, fifth and ninth houses in equal numbers, they cause jail yoga.
5 when the Lagna lord is Saturn or Mars, and it is inimical, and in conjunction with ninth or twelfth lords, there is a strong likelihood of imprisonment for the native when the Lagna lord transits over sixth and twelfth houses. By consulting with a discerning astrologer, we can understand this in detail.
Can you elaborate on jail yoga, causes, and solutions?
For the jail yoga causes and solutions exist. Getting embroiled in legal issues can have several repercussions, including incarceration and heavy penalties. Legal matters can prove to be a blot on one's character as the native gets stigmatized throughout his life. It also negatively impacts his family's mental health and wellbeing. It is essential to know which planetary influences contribute to legal complications like imprisonment and life sentence etc. So it only helps to pay a visit to an astrologer during times of legal crisis to know if the native is going behind bars or if there is anything he can be hopeful about.
The sixth house is a naturally malefic house that also signifies litigations and enemies. When the sixth lord is strong, legal issues get resolved in the native's favor. In case he is weak, they are sure to create disturbances and losses. Challenges may intensify, especially if there is an ongoing mahardasha and dashabhukti of the sixth lord. However, legal problems are only tip of iceberg, and the native may be forced to live a solitary life during the Saturn Dasha.
The eighth house is known to spring surprises of the problematic kind with regards to finances and partnerships. A weak eighth house almost always denotes legal impediments on the path. Incarceration is also a strong possibility.
The twelfth house denotes solitary life, spiritual detachment, and in some cases, imprisonment. The twelfth house and its lord are to be analyzed to know if there is impending trouble of a severe nature.
Native's Karma can be understood by studying the tenth house. It foretells the kind of punishment we are destined to get, So the tenth house is also crucial while analyzing outcomes due to this house.
What is the effect of Bandhana yoga in Kundli
The effects of Bandhana yoga in Kundli are too devastating. They are separated from fellow human beings and are also isolated from reality and emotionally in jail. They might also be stuck in a routine life from which there is no respite.