As per Vedic Astrology, sun placement in the 6th house is known as Ripu Hanta, Shatru Hanta, and Shatari. If your horoscope shows that the sun is present in your 6th house, you will be able to conquer enemies and be considered a great friend. People with this planetary combination can help their friends by going beyond their limits.
According to Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, the sun in the 6th house is considered one of the most powerful astrology positions. Due to this, the person will be able to share a great bond with their brothers, mothers, and sisters.
Vedic Astrologers know the actual importance of the sun in Astrology. The strong sun in the sixth house creates several aspects like career, health, family, and finance. Even when the sun is in the 6th house, it gives immense power to the person to combat issues in their life.
Due to the favorable position of the sun, the person will get immunity, stamina, and endurance. But, other combinations are also considered while giving predictions on several aspects of life. If you need any assistance regarding the sun’s placement in your horoscope, I strongly recommend booking an Astro-consultation session with Dr. Vinay Bajrangi.
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