Success is the buzzword in today’s social hemisphere. The definition of success is very individual-specific. This subject has sparked hot debates from time immemorial. Is affluence a sure sign of success, or is it a powerful position that defines it? For years, one crucial determiner of success was overseas education. Nowadays, “do what brings the best out of you” has been the mantra that is slowly emerging. This is based on the premise that everyone is unique with their own fantastic set of achievements, which is perfectly acceptable. Molding oneself to fit the dreams and expectations of parents and society is the thing of the past. Anyhow, generally, success is defined as anything that gets you fame, affluence, power, high profile career, to quote a few. Astrologically this is signified by the 11th house. It reveals your earnest hopes, your luck quotient, and opportunities that catapult you to those dream positions. Moon, Venus, and Jupiter are the utmost benefactors that bestow the native with marital, material, social, financial, and spiritual success. This also includes your gains from speculative adventures. The eleventh house generally signifies the above things.
Would you be willing to examine and know your ardent well-wisher amongst your relatives? Get your 11th house reviewed by a good astrologer. If you find yourself surrounded by a large circle of well-meaning and generous friends, you can be convinced that your eleventh is excellently well fortified.

What are the planetary influences on the eleventh house?
The planetary influences on the eleventh house are too many to mention. If Sun occupies the eleventh house, it takes you to the pinnacle of leadership, proves lucky for civil services and other government exams, assures you of an authoritative position in whatever you undertake and your political ambitions.
Moon – The moon natives have a busy social life and supportive elders and friends, gain success in government exams, gain authority over others. They have social and political inclinations.
Mars, in this position, has his gifts to offer. He makes you responsible, helps you acquire property, assures success in competitions and sports, allows you to be well connected with the creamy layer of society, bestows a good personality. It favors the police especially. You can see some perfect police officers born in this conjunction.
Mercury in 11th house enhances entrepreneurial abilities, bestows success in business ventures, empowers you with good communication skills, a scientific temper, and an ability to tap into additional sources of income. It also instills in the native a scientific and questioning attitude, blesses him with good longevity, along with the gratification of carnal desires.
Jupiter – Jupiter in the 11th house encourages income from legitimate sources, excellent communication, and a healthy constitution while helping the native command respect in society. A Jupiter favored individual would usually be very loyal to his cause with a robust intellectual quotient and a pronounced love of music. This native knows no fear.
Read About: What if 11th House in Strong
Venus: This native is a charming personality with a lavish lifestyle and a dash of sociability. His large circle of friends mainly consists of women who support him when needed. They enjoy success in love affairs. They are born friendly and generally cordial in their relationships. They have this uncanny ability to impact public opinions in a big way.
Saturn: This combination produces natives that can’t see anything beyond their work and projects. A workaholic to the limit, these natives have a minimal circle of friends. Reserved and highly ethical in approach, these natives can be diplomatic at the same time. They do well as senior managers or politicians. Some of them, surprisingly, have unusual yogic powers.
Rahu: The best part of having Rahu in the eleventh house is how they rise to power as leaders in the military, politics, business. They can be well-known celebrities and amass excellent knowledge in their lifetime. They have a propensity to earn wealth in foreign lands. They have immense control over their impulses. Intense willpower and charitable tendencies characterize their nature.
Ketu: They shine best in social work. These natives are famous, good-looking, and possess intuitive abilities. They seem to have a knack for befriending only mystical people who comprise their social circle.
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