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Ruchaka Yoga in Horoscope - Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas in Vedic Astrology

Vinay Bajrangi

Ruchaka yoga has the following features. A Ruchaka yoga native has a long face, is overzealous, with a radiant glow in the face, but polite. He is extremely powerful with charming eyebrows. With black hair and refined tastes, this native is fond of battles and has a dark tone to his complexion. He is a conqueror, with a symmetrical feature of body and face. He is intelligent and heads a band of thieves. His thighs are slender, and he has certain auspicious marks on his body. He is a worshipper of brahmins but an expert in mantra and black magic. He would die on account of a weapon or fire.

Ruchaka yoga native would also possess a wiry physique, be famous, well-versed in scriptures, King or Kingly, Traditional, and conventional. He has a reddish tinge to his complexion, with a charitable mindset, and long life.

People of extreme courage and stamina for hard work and an ability to destroy the enemies usually have Ruchaka yoga in their natal charts. Mars fully imparts his positivity to his chosen children.

What is the combination for Ruchaka yoga?

Ruchaka yoga is an important combination that only few of us possess. Mars should be in exaltation in a Kendra or occupy a Kendra, which should be his swakshetra.

The Panchamahapurusha Yogas can be operational fully only when the concerned planets are very strong and full of vitality. Mahapurusha means great man. So mahapurusha Yoga, just like the great men, is a rarity. If a planet is weak by debilitation, association, or aspect, the Yoga cannot function, although it may be there nominally. The strong disposition of Mars causes Ruchaka Yoga in a Kendra identical with his own or exalted sign.

For the Ruchak Yoga to work, Mars should generally be benefic in the horoscope. Malefic mars situated in these four houses in Aries, Scorpio, and Capricorn may not have the strength to form Ruchak Yoga. Sometimes a few people may benefit from having a Ruchaka yoga formed by a malefic Mars. Still, it would only allow temporary benefic effects if the other aspects of the horoscope support this gain. Otherwise, it only is a source of problems for the native. Yoga gets highly activated in the major and sub-period of Mars.

For instance, Malefic mars in Ruchaka yoga may induce the native to use his prowess negatively for harmful purposes. If his Chart shows gains of this sort, then the native would have short-term gains from them. Similarly, the malefic Mars situated in any of the other three kendras can bring in various problems. So, Mars must be a benefit to bring out the effect in its entirety.

Ruchak Yoga will be at its strongest degree only when Mars is unaffected by any malefic planetary influence. Mars with benefic influences would enhance the good aspects of Ruchak Yoga. Positive effects would abound in the native’s early years of life rather than in advanced years. Malefic influences would curtail the positive effects of Mars, which would not last as long as expected. This Yoga is strong in an individual's janam kundli when planet Mars is between 5 and 25 degrees and is not conjoined by or aspected by Ketu, Rahu, and Saturn. Also, the planet should not be retrograde.

Therefore, the placement of Mars in Aries, Scorpio, or Capricorn and positioned in any cardinal house of the Chart creates Ruchak Yoga.

Which celebrity possesses the Ruchaka Yoga?

Certain celebrities like Akshay Kumar, Salman Khan, Adolf Hitler, Queen Elizabeth, Narendra Modi, Karunanidhi, Swami Vivekanand, and are a few eminent personalities that possess Ruchaka yoga in their natal charts.

Let us examine the natal Chart of Salman Khan, the movie actor. His Mars is in exaltation and in tenth house. However, Mars is in conjunction with Venus, which is harmful to Aries ascendant. Also, Venus happens to be the lord of the 2nd and 7th house.

Fortunately, Mars is strong as the lord of Lagna, and it overshadows all malefic effects caused by Venus and Rahu's aspect on mars. Ruchak Yoga has made Salman khan a courageous, straightforward, honest person dedicated to working. He has always avoided being controversial and faced any adverse situation successfully.

Ruchaka Yoga operates better in the tenth house than any cardinal house as he gets digbali here. The tenth house represents honors. Secondarily, it works well in Lagna because from Lagna Mars aspects 4th and 8th house. These houses augur well for Mars.

What are the careers signified by Ruchak yoga?

Ruchaka yoga signifies careers of unique nature. These natives are usually found in certain career categories. To qualify for these careers, we need to have Martian qualities, usually found in Sportsmen, bodybuilders, army men, people in the naval and air force, defense personnel, and politicians.

Not many of us are born with that kind of grit and courageous instincts. So, the natal charts of most people would not show the existence of Ruchak Yoga. Ruchak Yoga is a rare combination that only a few people with Martian attributes have. Horoscopes are a direct reflection of our characters and our fate.

The person born with Ruchaka Yoga can own land and occupy the chief position in the army. He is a friend of friends and a terrible foe for his foes.

Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has Mars in Scorpio in his Lagna, and he can be called an excellent sportsman due to his black belt degree in Martial arts.

Ruchaka Yoga in the 4th house of Libra Lagna does not operate in the expected manner. These natives tend to hold grudges and are inclined to backbite.



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