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How Many Points Do You Need to Match for Marriage

Vinay Bajrangi

A happy married life is an often-misconstrued concept, understood differently by different people. To sum it up briefly, a perfect marriage requires empathy, trust, a deep-rooted commitment to succeed in its purpose. Misunderstandings only clarify the confusions and delusions about yourself and your significant other. You cannot possibly work on anything unless you know what is missing and what needs to be done to mend it, and hence verbal wars are essential to reach that level of marital agreement. If you can see your partner beyond your confined set of specifications, accept them as any other human beings you need to live with, you have just begun your journey to a world of marital paradise. If you wish to live with an angel, firstly set up heaven in your abode, as angels are comfortable living in heaven and not in hell. Marriage is a partnership and not a power struggle between partners. You require to be, first, a human being that shows dedication and sympathy and nothing wee bit beyond this.

In most cases, marriages fail between two perfect humans for the lack of planetary compatibility and adverse circumstances. Two souls can enter the wedlock and stay that way if they are on the same plane emotionally and mentally. Since it is impossible to find a match that vibes with you on the perfect wavelength, you should get your horoscopes matched astrologically. One must examine a set of ashtakootas, that decide to what degree the marriage would be successful. The minimum score is 18 and maximum is 36.. On the contrary, you would not be happy with a perfectly matching ashtakoot if the horoscopes do not meet even halfway to reach the compatibility ideal. Hence astrology plays a crucial role in successful marriages.

What do the ashta koot signify?

Ashta koot is split into eight main categories which signify these astrological attributes.

1. Varna Koot: This koot decides if the personality attributes match.

2. Vashya Koot: This koot judges how strong the emotional connection and physical attraction would be. A matching vaishya koot gets a score of 2.

3. Tara Koot: This reveals the couple’s attitude towards each other and degree of trust. This gets a score of 3 from the gun Milan.

4. Yoni Koot: It rules sexual compatibility and physical appeal. This gets a score of 4 in the matching process.

5. Rashi Koot: Rashi koot matching decides intellectual compatibility. This is awarded a score of 5.

6. Gana Koot: This decides the level of compatibility the couple enjoys concerning lifestyle. A man with meager means will find it difficult if the girl is high maintenance and unwilling to stoop down to his level materially. This gets a score of 6.

7. Bhakoota: Bhakoota is all about the compatibility of the stars and awards 7 points for a perfect matching in this regard.

8. Nadi Koot: Here, the inherent energy level and fertility of the couple is tested and, if found to match, gets a score of 8.

Usually, the kootas that carry the maximum score are the GanaKoot, Bakoot, Nadi koot, or Nadi Dosha. They largely contribute to the failure or success of the entire gun Milan. Specific calculations with respect to these, if properly made, would nullify the effects of an ill matching koot. A well-versed astrologer is a person you must go to to get accurate results. Gun Milan constitutes just 20 percent of the matching process, with the rest depending on the horoscope compatibility factors.

Apart from gun Milan, there are some factors to analyze by studying the horoscopes. The ascendant lord and moon, the seventh house, and Venus and Jupiter placing should be judged accurately. Sun with Mars, Rahu, and Ketu in 2nd,4th,7th,8th, and 12th houses does not augur well for marriage. Similarly, Saturn and Mars placed in the above houses are not helpful. The next point to consider is kalatra bhava, navamsha, mangal, or Kuja compatibilities.

Affliction to the second house affects prosperity and any glaring cultural differences, while the fourth house rules post-marriage bliss. 12th house shows if you are really destined to enjoy the marital life to its fullest or not.

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