We can know if Rahu is beneficial in a horoscope through various ways. Rahu generally accentuates the traits of the planet that it is associated with. Rahu’s exaltation point is in the sign of Taurus. The placement of Rahu in his sign or other air signs is eminently favorable to the native-born under this confluence. Rahu is a veritable gold mine if favorably positioned. It offers all that the native fancies on a platter of gold and also guard him throughout life.
Rahu is at his influential best when he or Ketu are positioned in angles (1,4,7,10) and are associated with Lord of the trine (1,5,9) and vice versa. This by itself forms winning yogas or recipes for success. Although the native with Rahu in second house tends to obsess about wealth, he finally manages to achieve affluence.

We usually come across, suddenly, an abnormally tall person walking amidst us, drawing everybody’s attention to himself. This is the Rahu native, with Rahu in first house. Be it the notorious way or the meritorious way, natives with a congenial Rahu, touch the pinnacle of fame, opulence and hit the political jackpot.
Rahu is not a loner is evident when you see his placing in any horoscope. He must be in direct aspect from his counterpart Ketu, in the 7th house. Typically, Rahu and Ketu are not at their best strengths simultaneously. When one dominates, the other must cower down. Whether Rahu dominates Ketu or Ketu dominates Rahu, it is just that they can’t be equally strong at the same time. Essentially a windy planet, Rahu extends his benefic influence when placed in Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini, and Taurus. Rahu supports materialistic desires in a person, in specific associations with air and earth signs.
Favorable navamshas for Rahu are Gemini, Taurus, Libra, Virgo, Aquarius, and Capricorn navamsas. If Rahu is in Air & Earth signs in both sign and navamsa, there cannot be a better indication than this. However, check the nakshatra to see if it is in affinity with Rahu, or else it may punch in a loophole in the plans, which, if left uncorrected, would grow into a wide chasm. But it can be a bit tricky at times.
Rahu represents the lessons that we are destined to learn this lifetime. Rahu’s malefic influence can be mitigated or overshadowed by increasing the number of good deeds. Rahu is incredibly comfortable in Upachaya houses 3,6,10, and 11th houses in the janam kundli. Rahu is a simmering cauldron of sensual experiences, as he is just a shadow head with no physical body to support him. As the senses originate in the brain, Rahu induces hardcore materialism in the native. It inspires a Rahu native to believe in himself, self-confidence, abilities, and handiwork rather than in God to achieve his objective. Materialism taken to the other extreme would make a native extraordinarily stressed and need some religious crutch to bring him back to the regular track.
How beneficial is Rahu in conjunction with different planets and nakshatras?
Rahu is beneficial in conjunction with the following planets and nakshatras. Rahu forms a strong raja yoga when combined with Sun or Sun’s nakshatra. If the planet moon and Moons nakshatra is associated with Rahu, the native is successful in agriculture. Rahu helps you economize better and creates opportunities for overseas travel as well.
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