Sometimes the truth can also be paradoxical. It is a known fact that businesses thrive in a highly competitive, commonsensical, worldly-wise environment and catch you off guard and fails you miserably despite your superhuman efforts. The reason most bright brains with the sharpest business acumen meet with miserable failure in business, at least during some phase in their lives, is still a mystery. Some unlucky impulse overpowers the presence of mind during a business catastrophe. Fortunately, any good astrologer can make sense of this situation and come up with the right solution. There are governing planets for all compartments of our life, and for business-related issues, certain specific planets have the perfect fitting answer. There are multiple astrological reasons for business failure. Let us analyze the planets that govern business and how these planets are responsible for loss/gain in business operations.

How does business loss prediction by astrologers help?
A person with the afflicted sun in his natal chart is unsure of himself, and his lack of confidence can render him weak and submissive. Facing a colleague or a competitor is not too easy for these people. Such people can never succeed in business. With a weak sun, they can never aspire to taste business success. Sun Saturn and Rahu are extremely capable and known for separating any two partners, marital/business partners, or friends. If they are connected with the 10th house or its lord, they almost certainly cause havoc in business during their dashabhukthi. Swarna and pitru dosha in horoscope never allow the business goals to be achieved, and hence such a person cannot hoard wealth. A weak moon or ascendant may render a person too inconsistent and unstable to handle business.
Similarly, a weak Venus conjunct with malefic planets exercises the same effect. Inimical placement of Mars and Saturn is a tried and tested combination for business failures. Mercury governs capabilities for business management and transactions. A person with weak mercury can easily be manipulated and duped. Astrological advice should be sought only when the business is showing a downward trend. Business loss prediction by astrologers has always helped businessmen to make the right decisions.
Can we avail of any Business problem solutions suggested by astrologers?
Indeed, any business problem solutions suggested by astrologers can help you take the steps in right direction. You are advised to contact an adept astrologer for any answers to problems arising out of business.
Astrology provides reasons for business failure and suggests measures to be used to counteract the losses. Let us take a glimpse into the planetary combinations for business losses and gains: A business venture would spell success if at least one natural benefics like Venus and Jupiter is in a kendra sthana from the moon. When the benefics are in the second or twelfth house, the business will prosper. Persons born under Mercury and Venus in the third and eleventh from the moon are blessed with positive traits such as grit and dynamism. These traits prove to be essential building blocks for a flourishing business and consequently let the native amass colossal wealth. When Saturn, during its movement, forms Pancham-Navam Yoga with friendly planets like Venus and mercury in the first, second, sixth, ninth, tenth, or eleventh house, that period would be auspicious concerning profits and progress. If a friendly planet occupies the tenth house and aspects/conjuncts with the tenth house lord, the entrepreneur can expect windfalls in business. Suppose the tenth house or its lord are occupied by conjunction or mutual aspect of natural benefics like Moon and Venus in the tenth house or with the tenth lord. In that case, the period is marked by phenomenal success in profession and business.
These planets in their major-period and sub-periods also prove to be equally beneficial for the company. Wealth and fame are the hallmarks of the significant period or bhukthi of the lords of the first, second, fourth, fifth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh houses. If, while transiting, they form a conjunction with the tenth house or its lord, it foretells excellent tidings for the profession and the business ventures.