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Auspicious Yoga in Birth Chart - Kundli Predictions for Success in Life

Vinay Bajrangi

Let us dive into the top 10 yoga in astrology for success! I know you are here to read about those, and we’ll tell you about those auspicious yogas. As per Vedic astrology, top ten yogas for an individual is Raja yoga, Dhana yoga, panchamahapurusha yogas, Gajakesari yoga, Budhaditya yoga, and Karmajiva yogas. In the succeeding paragraphs, let us examine these and several others that point to success in life.

What are the generally auspicious yogas for success?

When Kendra and trikonadhipatis are aspecting or conjoined, it forms raja yoga. Dhana yoga is formed when the Lagna lord and the second, fifth, ninth, or eleventh lord are associated. Jupiter and Moon conjoined In Kendra or opposition from the Gaja Kesari yoga. Gajakesari indicates a grand parentage, wealth, sharp mind, and fame. Sun and Mercury combination forms the Budhadhitya Yoga. These natives are virtuous scholars of great self-control who earn through service. These people are gifted with skills in all required art forms. A well-disposed Mercury in the 10th house from Lagna with no malefic influence shows the karmajiva yoga. If the lords of two signs mutually exchange positions, it indicates Parivartan. These are some of the yogas in astrology that confer success.

In the case of a male child, Mahabhagya yoga is formed in case of day birth, while the sun, Moon, and Lagna are in odd signs. In the case of girl children born during the nighttime, this yoga is formed when the sun, Moon, and Lagna are even signs.

What are the panchamahapurusha yogas in astrology?

Ruchaka is a Yog formed by Mars when it occupies the Kendra or trikona and its own sign Aries and Scorpio or in its exaltation point of Capricorn. This native is highly courageous commanding, with a strong physique and regal disposition. He is capable of crushing enemies.

Bhadra Yoga occurs when mercury is present in its own sign, exaltation, or Kendra or trikon. Mercury should be present in Gemini or Virgo. The native has high business acumen with a photographic memory and can succeed in modern media, advertising, sales marketing, and IT fields.

Hamsa yoga is formed when Jupiter is in his own sign or in an exalted position in either Kendra or trikona places. The native with Hansa yoga is wise, extremely charitable, and spiritually gifted. He will flourish in banking, finance, insurance, revenue, NGO, and spiritual preaching.

The Malviya Yoga occurs when Venus in his swasthana is exalted. He should be occupying either Kendra or trikona. The native will live a luxurious life, but he shows broadminded idealism and selfless spirituality. People in the fields of entertainment, hospitality, media, perfumes, etc., thrive very well due to the presence of Malavya yoga.

The Sasa Yoga is a Saturn-based yoga that is formed when Saturn is in swasthana in Capricorn and Aquarius and exaltation point in Libra. This makes the native famous in a career connected to the wilderness and forts.

How can we use astrology for business success?

The natal chart must show all-important dhana and raja yogas to succeed in business. We can use astrology for gaining business success.

If the planet Jupiter occupies the tenth house in a chart, it forms a kendraditya yoga. Natives whose jathaka has this yoga will flourish and thrive better than their business rivals in business.

If the planet Mercury or Sun casts aspect on the tenth house, or if even one of these planets occupies the tenth house, the house of karma, it creates a yoga called Laxmi Narayan yoga. Such people would be flooded with opportunities to expand their business throughout their lives.

If Mars is in the tenth, in exaltation, the native will profit from a business, especially overseas.

While the third house shows your resilience and initiative, Mars shows how much effort you can put in. If the sixth house is stronger than the ascendant in terms of aspect, affinity, etc., the business would be connected with a service or job. Ascendant lord occupying the 9th house favors the native’s business ver9thy well. One must consider these yogas in astrology for business success.

How to achieve success in a career by astrology?

If Sun, Jupiter, and Moon are beneficially placed, it confers success in the medical career. The planets that are lucky for lawyers to succeed are Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury. The position of and aspects on Mercury and Jupiter assure one of technical career such as engineering.

Being a political leader is possible if Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars are well disposed to uplift the native’s status to that of a political leader.

If well placed and beneficial, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus will help the native in the writing profession.

For success in the banking profession, one must examine the position of Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn. These yogas decide the success in career by astrology.

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