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How would child prediction by date of birth help the parents

Vinay Bajrangi

A child to an expectant mother is an unusual blessing from paradise, no doubt. A child is the mother's brave new world, a new challenge and responsibility that throws her off the gear many a time. It is not just the child that grows through all developmental milestones. The child is her mother's teacher. Parenthood brings in evolution in the mother as well. She comes out slowly and naturally from her erstwhile playful cocoon to grow up into a serious, sacrificing, and responsible mother. She evolves as a person along with the baby. The learnings are mutual and interdependent. Some remain barren throughout their lifetime, some succeed in having a baby with Down syndrome, and others beget gem-like kids. Many questions have been raised about this disparity. Fortunately, the answers can be found in child astrology which is a vast discipline on its own. The child prediction by date of birth is an exquisite art and science on its own.

Let us try to understand at a glance. Planets in some specific combination and houses provide clues to the whys and hows of delayed childbirth. The 5th, the 2nd, and 11th houses represent family, gains, and fulfilment through children. Jupiter is the main signification for children, and Venus, sun, and mars follow him in that order, in couples' horoscopes. Sometimes, karmas from previous lifetimes carry over to the present life, in the form of children, and Nadi dosha is no exception to this.

Before the baby is born, the most crucial challenge is to plan appropriate timings for the bundle of joy to arrive at your world.

It is always a good idea to go to an expert astrologer before conception to get rid of doubts regarding the suitable timings to be chosen for the child's birth. Conception is best considered when friendly planets transit over your 2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th, and 10th houses. Specific days and hours are also earmarked for the same.

Astrology, probably, is the only science, apart from medical science, to predict the gender of the child accurately. Although this is unethical and illegal, some Chinese astrology practitioners offer gender calculators. The downside of child astrology, especially that of child gender prediction, is that the gender of the child remains a mystery due to these ethical restrictions. Some ancient methods of astrology and fortune-telling have their ways of predicting the gender of the unborn baby, but it is all extinct nowadays. Our grandmothers and our predecessors had a perfect knack for predicting gender.

But those tricks, as time has passed by, have lost their relevance. People who have opted for IVF can also seek the able help of astrologers to find suitable timings. Adoption is the only other alternative, and, in this case, the 5th house has to be reviewed to understand the prospects of adopting a child better.

What exactly is baby astrology?

We all arrive as packages with predetermined personalities and destinies. When it comes to fate, it is, to each, his own. So upbringing is in our hands, and this is all we need to be cautious about. Some over ambitious parents, preoccupied with their child's progress, have only one thing on their minds: Will my child make my life easier and happier?

Although a child's horoscope needs to be written as soon as the child is born, the need to check the fortunes and personality would come only when faced with career, education, and marriage options in the future. It should be strictly meant for record-keeping and not for display purposes. Baby astrology is extensively shrouded in mystery due to these reasons.

How useful are child horoscope predictions?

You are strictly forbidden to discuss it with an astrologer until the first twelve years of the child's life. Sometimes, children are born with some malevolent side influences in their chart that might affect the parents. The astrologer may say anything about the child, constructive or destructive. It would affect you for a lifetime. If the predictions are detrimental to your health and wellbeing, surely you will stop being a good parent for the child. This is unfair by any means. Be a human being first and then a Parent. Take things in your stride. Do not drift off the natural course of events in your life. That is predetermined and predestined. Child horoscope predictions are usually not done due to the above reasons.

As per Vedic astrology, any negative or malefic planetary influence is undoubtedly due to sin in the previous birth. You can easily forget the past, but the past will never forget you. Karma follows wherever we go. So, nullifying the harmful effects by performing good karma would be advisable. A child aged 12 or 15 would never be able to grasp these concepts. Unless the child has severe health abnormalities and chronic conditions, the horoscope details must not be revealed to anyone.

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