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How would be the Parent-Child relationship as per the birth chart?

Vinay Bajrangi

There can be bad fathers, but not bad mothers. This very famous adage was, at first, stated by Shree Shankaracharya. Our day-to-day experience with our parents boils down to the same conclusion. However, we see many instances where the mother-child father-child relationship is estranged. Investigating at a deeper level, we can understand that the answer lies within astrology. Yogas in the natal charts of both parents and the child determine the root cause of strained familial relationships. The same strain of maladjustment runs in many families where parents and children cannot see eye to eye on any issue. Acting on the problem at the right time and applying the right solutions can ease the tensions to a large extent. Kids horoscopes can have the right clues about parents and their personalities and their relationships with kids, one can easily fathom the parent-child relationship as per the birth chart by using the services of the right astrologer.

Children's healthy growth depends primarily on the positive vibes that they share with their parents. By Investing a big chunk of their time, energy, patience, and love, sharing mutual warmth, care, and respect, the children grow up to be positive and successful. That is the need of the hour.

The correct combination between the lords of the first and the fifth House establishes an ideal equation of concord between parents and children. Parents can enjoy international travel due to these yogas in their children's charts The 5th, 7th or 9th house lords in auspicious combination also confer the same effect. On the contrary, the relationship will be strained by physical estrangement due to malefic planetary influence on these houses. The child may not exactly be a pillar of support to the parents in their advanced years, or the parent may be callous enough not to take care of his children if there is a negative influence on the second House. Emotional issues, specifically with the mother, are indicated, if there are afflictions to the 4th House in the child's horoscope.

The unfavorable combination between the 5th and 10th House can have its malefic effects. Sometimes, a parent may have a career on the top of his mind, leading to children's neglect. His career ambitions may come in the way of the well-being of his child. Some undesirable combinations between the 9th and 10th House are to be blamed for this effect.

What is the impact of a child's horoscope on the mother?

Favorable aspect on the fourth House, fourth quarter and moon, builds a great camaraderie between child and the mother. The relationship would be very cordial as this native is very affectionate and respectful towards the mother. If the fourth lord is in Kendra or trikona sthana from Lagna and conjunct with auspicious planets. The child would not only be very attached to the mother but hold her in high esteem. If the ascendant lord and the fourth lord enjoy a mutual friendship and good aspect from benefic planets, the mother draws immense respect from the child. Auspicious aspect on the fourth House would assure blessing from the mother lifelong. When there is a combination between Mars and Guru in any form, the child would grow up to be a savior for the mother. The impact of a child's horoscope on the mother is manifold.

How does Father-son compatibility astrology help in understanding the relationship?

Father-son compatibility astrology can be an art that can be very interesting. The combination between Sun and Saturn in any form shatters the father's happiness. Chronic health ailments, misunderstandings, and conflict characterize this relationship. Sun's position in the second House to the ascendant or the 12th House, with moon placed in 7th or 8th House, would mark the relationship with strife and struggle. If the Navamastha and Chaturthesh are placed in the House of the enemy, the native becomes rebellious and does not conform to the family traditions. Fathers with the Saptamastha Guru have all the reasons to celebrate. Their children will be the better versions of their parents in terms of virtues. Having the ascendant Lord and the sixth Lords in the 9th House, sun in the 9th or 12th House, and the ascendant lord in the 12th House, are inimical for the parent-child relationship.

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