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Business Success Strategy with Birth Chart


It is rather inspiring to know that even the Kings and Queens used to adopt Astrology combinations to figure out their success strategies! The planetary combinations in your chart can write down your success story.

Ask a business astrologer, and he will tell you the most suitable business so that you can flourish in no time. It's not a coincidence but a matter of fact that the stars in the sky can foretell your destiny. If you wish to know which is the best suitable business, career, or profession line for you, ask your horoscope!

The Business astrology is far more than analyzing the sun signs and reading daily horoscopes. This might interest many, but the real crux lies in the planetary placements indicating essential things about life. If you are in the wrong business, nothing seems to work to get you success. But at the same time, the right business choice can fetch results with a minimum of effort. One's Janam kundali gives you all relevant information about all walks of your life – including the most discussed topic of the generation: Career and Business.

The Business Horoscope

A birth chart covers the significant areas of our life, like relationships, personal image, wealth, career, spirituality, home, health, etc. To find out the best business as per the birth chart, we need to pay attention to the 10th house, the occupying sign, and the planets in it. Depending on the time of birth, we all have different signs falling in the tenth house. We need to analyze the 10th house to know about our career, social status, and even fame in life. The 10th house, associated planets, and signs are essential for writing a success story.

Will I be rich and Famous?

The zodiac sign falling in the 10th house of the horoscope already gives you an important hint for the right business selection for a successful career. Suppose the Capricorn is there in your 10th house. Now, Capricorn exhibits the traits of hard work, determination, and ambition. So, you will be applying these traits in your work. You might be tough on yourself while achieving your business goals. You may neglect other areas of life while focusing too much on your work. Your career is everything to you.

Studying the sign gives you incredible insight into your unique working style. But there is more to explore. Not everyone with the same zodiac sign in the tenth house will choose the same line. It is other planets and nakshatras which make the difference.

After knowing the sign, figure out the placement of its ruler. Sticking with the same example, Saturn would be the ruling planet for Capricorn in the 10th house. Now find where Saturn is located in your Birth Chart. This will refine the search for the best business. Saturn in the 11th house could indicate that you should apply your hard work and determination in NGOs or larger social groups.

The success formula

Astrology is a vast subject, and there can be end number of permutations to find out what suits you the best. A good astrologer also checks the navamsha or D-9 and the dashmansha or the D-10 chart to find out the ideal line of business for you. Then the dasha will ensure the right time to enter the right business to attract prosperity and wealth. Your 10th house thus gives you a fantastic strategy for approaching your profession.

The nakshatra in which the 10th lord also lies significantly determines your best business line. This also helps to select the right name for your business. Read how an auspicious business name can take your business to unimaginable heights.

The right name for your business

The name makes a lot of difference! One should select the right name for the business to remove obstacles and failures in business. Here, the nakshatra plays the dominant role. The natal Moon and its nakshatra suggest the appropriate name for your business. The auspicious business name should start with the suggested syllable, and it will align the cosmic energy to bring fruitful results to the company or business firm. The reason is that when we call out a syllable auspicious for us, it tends to create positive energies in the universe seeking divine help. Here, the nakshatra of the tenth lord should also be checked.

Choose your business partner smartly

When you work in partnership, then the stars of your partner also affect your business. We already know which house in kundali is for business. Now, it is essential to check your business partnership compatibility through the seventh house of your birth chart. You can't flourish in the partnership business if your chart doesn't allow it.

Which planet is for business?

The tenth lord and its planets occupying the tenth house are particularly important for your career or business. But if one wishes to know which planet is for business, then astrology signifies Mercury as the karaka of trade. Mercury signifies trade and business in Astrology.

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